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When the Sheldon's Meadows site was being considered for development in the early 1990's a planning levy was imposed by the Local Authority to finance an appropriate leisure facility. Largely due to the determination and enthusiasm of John Clements, a past President and Chairman of the Club, these funds were allocated to the setting up of a lawn bowling facility on a site to be provided by the developers. At a public meeting, which had been organised previously by John and other early supporters, it had been established that there was sufficient local interest to establish and maintain such an activity.


The development levy, plus additional grants, was sufficient to construct the bowling green and the outer shell of the clubhouse.With very little help from outside specialists, and with much enthusiastic fund-raising, the interior of the clubhouse was fitted out and decorated by the early club members under the expert supervision of Vic Girle, a master builder.


Coaching and friendly matches had already started in 1993, thanks to the generous hospitality of other local bowling clubs, whilst the members waited for our new green to settle and the building of the clubhouse. At last, all our hard preparation work was finished, and we were able to repay some of that magnificent hospitality, when we began playing on our own green in the summer of 1994.


An indoors short-mat bowling section was formed the following winter, which has since provided much well-supported (and very sociable) off-season sport.


By 1996, our abilities and confidence had grown to the stage where we were able to fully participate, with some success, in the activities of local leagues and competitions.


Many of the founder and original members are still the mainstay of the Club and watch with pride as it continues to flourish.


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