Hook Bowling Club
Club Management - 2020/21:
Lily New
Elaine Bennett
Elaine Bennett (interim)
Martin Nurser
Club Captain
Ladies Captain
Brenda Walker
Ladies Secretary
Sheila Forrester
Men's Captain
Dave Clark
Green Supervisor
Malcolm Gow
Outdoor Match Secretary
Brenda Walker
*contact Chairman for Club issues
Sub Committees/Groups:
(* General Committee attendee)
Elaine Bennett*, Malcolm Gow*, Desiree Gow*, Martin Nurser
Elaine Bennett*, Tony Gepp, George Legg, Sheila Forrester
Pat Hilton (rota)
Malcolm Gow*, Dave Poulter (advice), 'mowing team'
Desiree Gow* (supplies and rota)
General Committee Members
Barbara Bonser
Dawn Burbage
Dave Clark
Desiree Gow
Malcolm Gow
Jackie Nurser
Terry Redman
Brenda Walker
Other Roles
Bar Manager: Malcolm Gow
House Manager (supplies and rota): Desiree Gow
Child and Vulnerable Adult Care: Richard Maycock
HBC Web Site Manager: Richard Maycock
Hook Focus articles: Richard Maycock
Sheila Forrester, Tony Gepp, George Legg
Internal Competitions
Tony Gepp, Desiree Gow*, Richard Maycock,
Campbell Williams, Malcolm Gow*
Martin Nurser
(to be updated)
Short Mat Organisers
Phil Constant (Internal Leagues)
Irene Clements, Pam Vivian
External Competition Managers
Bowls England Nationals
Tony Allcock Trophy - Mixed over 60s Double Rink - Club Captain/Ladies Captain
Ladies Top Club - Ladies Captain
Bowls Hampshire - County
County Representatives: Ladies - Kath Woodgate; Men - Dave Clark
Competitions include: Mixed Top Club, Thornbery Trophy (2 Rinks - Ladies)
Basingstoke and District Association
Hants. and Berks. Cup (3 Rinks - Men) - Steve Potts
North Hants. Women's BA
Gazette Cup (3 Triples - Ladies) - Ladies Captain
BDBA Monday League - Malcolm Gow
BDBA Friday League - Dave Clark
Ladies Tuesday League - Dawn Burbage
Basingstoke & District Ladies Tuesday League - Brenda Walker
Whitchurch League - Hook Hares: Elaine Bennett; Hook Foxes - Desiree Gow
Stan Hardman League - Diamonds: Brenda Walker; Sapphires: Tony Gepp; Emeralds - John Dawson
Club Privacy Notice July 2020
For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the UK data protection laws, the controller is Hook Bowling Club, Bowling Green Drive, Hook Hampshire, RG27 9TZ
About this document
This privacy notice sets out the way we process your personal data and aims to make sure you are aware of how we use your data as a member of our Club and on our website. This information is provided because Data Protection Law gives individuals rights to understand how their data are used. All members are encouraged to read this Privacy Notice and understand the Club’s obligations to its members. This Privacy Notice applies alongside any other information the Club may provide about a particular use of personal data, for example when collecting data via a paper form.
How we collect your information
We may collect your personal data in a few limited ways, namely:
When you fill in an application for membership and when you complete the GDPR consent form.
We hold your information in order for us to: communicate with you by email or other means eg. Receive club information via newsletters, for use by the club match online booking system and, when necessary, to meet the Club's obligations to collate information for Coronavirus 'Track and Trace' purposes
Access to Data
You can access your data for modification purposes or to have it removed at any time by communicating with the Club Secretary. With the exception of 'Track and Trace’ Your Data will not be shared with any external body.
If you leave the club all your data will be destroyed
Hook Bowling Club Committee
July 2020