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Around 400,000 people are bowlers, just in England! - we'd love you to come and join us!

How to start bowling

It's quite simple to start - just turn up with 'a pair of trainers' and we'll show you the rest. You don't need to buy anything until you know that bowling is for you. It is also a great family and multi-generational activity, so the more the merrier!


Bowls are available to borrow, in various sizes, to suit young hands through to larger adult sizes. We have playing sessions on all days of the week but it varies between summer and winter - please see the block below on Opening Times. You can always come along to watch, first, if you're not sure.

Our web site also has a Contact form you can send us, to find out more.

Membership questions can be addressed by calling the Club Captain: Dave Clark - 01256 762005 / 07774 299561 or Membership Secretary, 

Martin Nurser, on 01256 764616

Friendly coaching is provided

Everyone has to start somewhere and we know that learning has to be a balance of gaining skills and having fun - that is why most people play! We have experienced coaching help available so will get you going over a few sessions - we run Open Days and taster sessions, and every new Member also has free Outdoor and Shortmat tuition. You can aim to be just a 'capable' bowler or take it further if you wish and become a 'top' player quite quickly - it's up to you and we cater for all needs.


To give you an idea on who can 'manage' to play bowls, our membership has included from late teenage to mid-80s, and we've also had groups such as The Scouts here for a fun session. If you’re old enough to hold a bowl, you’ll be old enough to play” (there are newly available smaller bowls for younger players). Our Club also has access ramps to allow wheelchair-based play.

Opening Times

Summer season:

Saturday/ Sunday between 2:00pm - 5:00pm (Summer Friendlies)

Monday evenings between 6:30pm - 9:30pm (Summer BDBA Triples League)

Tuesday afternoons between 2:00pm and 5:00pm (Summer Roll-ups)

Wednesday evenings between 6:30pm - 9:30pm (Summer Whitchurch Triples League)

Thursday afternoons between 2:00pm - 5:00pm (Summer Stan Hardman League)

Friday evenings between 6:30pm - 9:30pm (Summer BDBA Rinks League)

Winter season:

Tuesday afternoons between 2:00pm and 5:00pm (Winter Short-Mat Roll-ups)
Wednesday evenings between 7:00pm - 9:00pm (Winter Short Mat Triples Internal league)
Thursday afternoon between 2:00pm - 5:00pm (Winter local Short Mat League)
Friday afternoon between 2:00pm - 5:00pm (Winter Short Mat Pairs Internal league)

- occasional other events are worked in around the timings above

An excellent 9 minute video created by the Bowls Development Alliance is a good advert of what Hook Bowling Club can offer to you. This nationally relevant video covers four forms of bowls - at HBC, we offer Lawn Bowls and Shortmat Bowls (Indoor Bowls tends to be in Sports Centres, in large specialised halls; Crown Green Bowls tends to be played in the north of England)

Click to Play the video:

How much does it cost?

One of the reasons that bowls has become so popular is that it is accessible to everyone - you don't need a lot of money to be able to play it. When compared with most other hobbies and activities, including other sports club-based pastimes, bowls is extremely good value.

For a social-play bowler all it costs for a whole year is £140 plus (typically)  £3/session for the 'green fee' & £1.50 to £3.00 for tea/coffee/biscuit refreshments or light meal - this gives all year round play; outside on grass in the summer six months and indoors, on 'short mats', in our clubhouse during the winter six months.

(social play, including our 'roll-ups', is played in normal casual clothes so no extra cost is incurred)

For those wanting Friendly or League play, similarly low Match Fees/Refreshment Fees apply.

Bowls can often be bought second-hand (around £40 for a set of 4 - they tend to last many, many years!) or new from around £160; bowls shoes/trainers cost from £20 upwards (new); trousers are around £15 - but all these things last many years, once bought.

When could I play?

Please refer to the Opening Times box of information, above. We have some type of bowls activity on every day of the week, varying through the summer and winter periods - but you can play as much or as little as you wish. More information is on the other pages of this web site but basically the green can be played on at any time in the summer season except when it is being maintained. Green opening times are typically by 10.00am till dusk every day of the week during the summer season. Normally Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings are reserved for green mowing, when the green may not be open until midday. There are occasions when Thursday and Saturday will be used for this instead of Friday.


Short mat is available for play most days of the winter season. Play can be as informal groups of friends through to organised league or friendly matches.


The other pages of this web site give far more details on our playing schedule. See "Outdoor Bowling" and follow the various linked pages from it. The page covering "Club Management" also gives a listing of various other competitions that the Club typically enters each year for the Outdoor season.

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